Select Works on Paper/Mixed Media
Ink, charcoal, watercolor pencil and tea on paper A lot of creative expression comes from a need to express, understand, or at least give shape to, the unacceptable. Noise, trauma, overwhelm, culture wars, oppression. To stake a claim, as well. On the flip side, creativity also comes from nothingness, from having time and space. Having left New York for Denmark, I’m now in a position to explore creativity this way. It takes a huge adjustment in my inner process. Gently allowing things to come. To not rush or force. It takes patience, a quieting of the artist ego, a reshaping of habits of how to create work. The beautiful Japanese concept of Ma helps me describe this energy/space I find myself slowly learning to inhabit. “Ma is the fundamental time and space life needs to grow. If we have no time, if our space is restricted, we cannot grow.”